No Exceptions.
I have a little sign that sits on my desk at work. The embossed gold letters simply read, “In all things, give thanks.” It’s a biblical statement, and I have to admit, it looks cute sitting there next to my fake succulent. But when I actually think about what that sign is saying, the sign is more of a rebuke to my heart and a sting to my conscience.
In all things…
When I get 8 hours of sleep at night, wake up in time to have 20 minutes of devotions before starting my day (while sipping coffee, of course!). And when I oversleep, barely having time to think a prayer before rushing out the door with a wet head.
When work is smooth, my tasks get done by the end of the day. And when I am swimming in emails, getting bogged down in details, and feel like patience is just a word in the dictionary.
When I manage to put together that perfect Pinterest-approved outfit, get the second look from the cute guy at the store, and sail through my day feeling pretty put together. And when the bathroom scale makes me gulp with the realization of just how far from perfect my body is while the mirror reminds me that curls are the first cousin of frizz.
When I am seeing the Lord answering saying yes to my prayers, even the tiny ones. And when I shake my head at the persistent no...
When my ideal for the future seems to be coming together beautifully. And when I am alone at night, disappointed and choking out between sobs, “Thy will, not mine, O Lord.”
All things. No exceptions. Ouch.
Give thanks.
So, I am not supposed to just roll with the ups and the downs, the trials and blessings of life, the warm fuzzies and the harsh realities. I am admonished to let the response of my heart and the words of my mouth be one continuous echo of praise. I am to literally give thanks, in all things, no matter what.
Does that seem unrealistic to you? Because honestly, it does to me sometimes. Gratitude requires an open hand, a joyful spirit. It implies a smile on the face and happy feelings on the inside. It is easy say, “Thanks!” for the opened door, the kind word, the gentle hug, the wise counsel. Am I really to do the same with the closed door, the rude response, the hope deferred?
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
There is the answer.
I love that Paul gave us the answer to the “Why?” that forms in our hearts and in our minds. Just why am I to give thanks? Because it is the will of God in Christ Jesus. It is God’s will for me to be grateful. Say no more. End of story. The eternal God who made the heavens cares whether or not my attitude is one of gratitude or grumbling.
Beyond that you and I have this promise...
Beyond that you and I have this promise...
“For we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” ~Romans 8:28 (NASB)
There is another all. God causes all things to work together for good. Whether we find out how that good is accomplished now, tomorrow, 10 years down the road, in heaven, or even never-this is the reality for children of God. No exceptions.
I sure am thankful, aren't you?
I sure am thankful, aren't you?
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